Hi, this is Maureen. Stay tuned for another insurance tidbit. At some point, most business owners will ask themselves, how important is it to carry a business insurance policy? I get it. This question is totally understandable, especially if you’ve never filed a claim. However, it’s important to remember that just because you’ve never needed to file a claim, doesn’t mean you never will. First off, you’ve got to keep in mind that some businesses are required to carry certain types of insurance. It’s an obligation to be insured. Secondly, operating without insurance, risks your livelihood, it risks the income of your employees and even the solvency of any other businesses that rely on you for service before making a decision on how to structure your business insurance. It’s worth taking a step back and taking account of all the even remotely possible situations that could cause your business to suffer. Once you’ve brought those up to your insurance agent, the good ones can help you shave any unnecessary costs out of your business policy while still providing solid coverage. So don’t be shy about letting them know that you have questions or concerns
We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at (586) 464-2400 or visit https://themcgovernagency.com.